V.NET - B2B e-Commerce & Customer portal

Unlike other solutions on the market,
our price is fixed and is not linked to your revenue, volumes sold or other variables.

Streamline your operations and boost efficiency

Revolutionize your transition to digitalized order processing.

Tailored for manufacturing companies and their diverse B2B clientele V.NET  simplifies order management and enhances customer communication, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and thus allowing your team to focus on core business activities.

With an intuitive interface, V.NET makes it easy to navigate complex ordering systems, offering a significant reduction in bottlenecks and an increase in customer satisfaction.

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Key benefits of implementing  V.NET B2B e-Commerce and & Customer portal

Optimize sales process and reduce time to sale
Reduce administration work, and focus on growth
Enhance customer satisfaction and their lifetime value
Enable cost-effective scalability and drive sales automation

Maximize efficiency, minize costs

V.NET is a strategic tool to cut operational costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Key features
Flexible catalog management

Tailor categorizations and availability to match your unique inventory, ensuring your clients always have up-to-date information.

Account based pricing policies

Customize pricing rules to fit your business model and personalize pricing for account type.

Self-service Customer portal

Empower your clients to independently manage orders, check statuses, and access product and marketing information, thus reducing your administrative workload.

Integration flexibility

Offers seamles integration with most CRM and ERP systems, ensuring a unified workflow and real-time data synchronization.

Customizable interface

Our portal adapts to your business requirements. Customize features to suit your workflow, ensuring a seamless integration into your daily operations.

Integrated communication tools

Maintain clear, consistent communication with clients through integrated messaging and notification systems.


Delight your customers by providing convenience, personalization, and efficiency.

Streamlined Ordering
The B2B portal simplifies the ordering process, allowing customers to place orders quickly and easily through an online platform.
Personalized Experience
Customers have access to personalized catalogs, pricing, and product recommendations, tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
Self-Service Capabilities
B2B portal enables customers to manage their accounts, view order history and status of current orders, track shipments, download marketing materials and product catalogs, if available order maintenance service, and make payments on their own, reducing the need for manual interactions.
Real-Time Information
Customers can access real-time information on product availability, order status, and inventory levels, ensuring transparency and better decision-making.
Faster Responses
B2B commerce solution enables faster response times from companies, whether it's in processing orders, providing quotes, or addressing customer inquiries.
Customers receive consistent pricing and product information, reducing confusion and ensuring a uniform experience across interactions.
B2B portal is available 24/7, allowing customers to place orders and access information at their convenience, regardless of time zones or business hours.
Improved Communication
The integrated communication tools allow customers to interact with account managers, request quotes, or seek support easily.
Access to Data
Customers can access historical data, such as order and payment history, invoices, and contracts, helping them manage their own records more effectively.
Enhanced Collaboration
Foster better collaboration by enabling clear communication, reducing errors, and streamlining processes.
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Why choose V.NET B2B e-Commerce & Customer Portal

V.NET goes beyond a user-friendly interface; it's a strategic tool to cut operational costs. With transparent pricing, you invest in value, concentrating on business expansion without the stress of escalating costs.

Our platform offers:

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Transparent Pricing Policy: Enjoy limitless potential with unrestricted sales, languages, and product listings without worrying about increased costs for expanded operations.
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Customized to Fit your Needs: Leverage our  composable .NET e-commerce system to build a portal that perfectly aligns with your business requirements and existing IT infrastructure.
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Secure and Compliant: Benefit from the robust security of Microsoft's ASP.NET Core framework in V.NET Commerce, ensuring your online store is not only secure but also fully GDPR compliant.
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Integration Capabilities: The platform enables seamless integration with a wide range of ERP systems, CRM tools, data warehouses, and other software.
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Support and Training: We guide you through the entire process of implementing the B2B
customer portal. From process mapping, through integrations and training your
staff and your customers. After the implementation and training phase, we offer
customer support tailored to your needs.
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Download guide: Guidelines for Successful Website Renovation


Technologies we trust


Advanced Digital Experience Platform that is easy to use, manage, develop and personalize.

Sitefinity Progress logo

Extremely flexible and upgradeable .NET e-commerce platform designed to grow along with your business requirements.

Ucommerce logo
web builder

Create your website in three steps: 1. Select template, 2 adjust format, 3. enter content.

Creating a website has never been so easy and fast.


An open-source content management system (CMS) built on the Microsoft .NET framework.

Known for its flexibility and user-friendly interface, Umbraco empowers developers and content creators to build and manage dynamic websites efficiently.

Learn more


A robust and open-source e-commerce platform designed for businesses seeking a flexible and scalable online storefront.

NopCommerce provides a comprehensive solution for e-commerce needs, allowing businesses to create a seamless and tailored online shopping experience for their customers.

Email Marketing, Automation & CRM

A versatile and user-friendly marketing automation platform that empowers businesses to engage with their audience effectively.

Intuitive interface and integrations make it a valuable solution for businesses looking to optimize their marketing efforts and drive overall growth.

If you want to stay competitive, improve customer relationships, and streamline your operations, then you are ready for a B2B e-Commerce &  Customer portal.

Book a 20-minute online appointment with a web solutions expert and explore options from idea to realization, quickly and reliably.

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