
Umbraco, the leading open-source content management system, is designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, digital agencies, developers, content creators and e-commerce. Built on .NET (ASP.NET Core) technology, Umbraco offers a complete set of tools to create powerful and user-friendly websites.

Flexibility and scalability to create customised solutions

One of Umbraco's key strengths is its flexibility and scalability, which allow you to create truly customised solutions. Developers can take advantage of flexible widgets and extensive integration options, allowing them to tailor the website to the specific needs and requirements of their customers. At the same time, the user interface is so intuitive that content editors can easily manage their tasks.

Easy content creation and management

With Umbraco, creating and managing content is easy.

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Editors can perform daily tasks such as content review, publishing, campaign planning, and much more.
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Advanced tools such as options for uploading, cropping and managing images, adding videos and documents, and organising media items in the media library.
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With these features, editors can create engaging content without leaving their work environment, increasing their efficiency and productivity.

Tehnologije, ki jim zaupamo


Napredna CMS Platforma ki je enostavna za: Uporabo, Upravljanje, Razvoj in personalizacijo

Sitefinity Progress logo

Izredno prilagodljiva in nadgradljiva .NET platforma narejena za rast skupaj z vašimi poslovnimi zahtevami.

Ucommerce logo
web builder

Do spletnega mesta v treh korakih: 1. Izberi predlogo, 2 prilagodi obliko, 3 vnesi vsebino. Izdelava spletnih strani še nikoli ni bila tako ensotavna in hitra.


Why choose Umbraco?

Umbraco isn't just an excellent CMS - it's the key to your digital strategy's success. With its adaptable features, user-friendly interface, and reliability, it enables your website to stand out and achieve its full potential. Regardless of your company's size or goals, Umbraco is an investment in the future, ensuring you gain a competitive edge and the admiration of your visitors.


Selected marketing automation projects

Would you like to see how the tool works in practice?

Book a 20-minute online appointment with our marketing automation expert and explore ways to increase the efficiency of your activities with Umbraco. Contact us, and together, let's build a strong and captivating online presence that will guide you towards digital success.

Get in touch with us
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